
I'm currently a stringer for Free Speech Radio News, a daily international news program that's aired by more than 80 stations in the US. I produce 2-4 minute packages and voice reports on a wide range of issues, from Blair's resignation, to the forced deportation of Iraqi kurds.

My first job in London was a part time gig at ADFERO, where I wrote daily news summaries for BNFL, a nuclear company that wanted to know everything the papers had to say about atomic energy.

Before I came to the UK, I was working in Colombia's Ministry of Culture, where I helped to make 20 radio documentaries. I was part of an editorial team that evaluated program proposals and scripts. I also helped producers to research issues like forced displacement, the millenium development goals and the situation of municipal councillors.

From July 2003 to December 2005, I was a burocrat in Washington, at the World Bank 's Development Communication Division. The staff at DevComm travel all over the world, helping "client" governments to devise communication strategies for public health, rural development and privatisation schemes. My "knowledge management" job was far less glamorous. I was making an inventory of the services they provided and gathering all sorts of information on "strategic communications". I was mostly looking at how governments use communication activities to implement health policies and economic reforms.

Before that I was at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs. This think tank seeks to influence US media coverage on Latin America, so I was writing articles on the political crisis that was rocking Venezuela in early 2003, right after the big oil strike. My stuff got published in several politics sites.